Uchukuzi Safety Training and Research Institute (USTRI)
Our Mission
To move is to live. At the Uchukuzi Safety Training and Research Institute (USTRI), our mission is to increase mobility for all by improving the safety, efficiency, accessibility, and convenience of our nation’s transportation system. Through research, education, workforce development and technology transfer, we help create a connected world.
Our Vision
A connected world, where access to equitable, safe, affordable, sustainable road transportation is ensured through the highest quality research, planning and education. The Uchukuzi Safety Training and Research Institute and the many partners who share our vision, will perform this work with integrity, and will honor diversity, sustainability, and equality in achieving mobility for all.
Motto: A safer, smarter, and more accessible transportation future.
Our Core Values
- Dedication – We are committed to excellence and producing quality deliverables that have a positive impact on communities.
- Collaboration – We believe that interdisciplinary teams deliver better outcomes and are committed to promoting an environment that supports cooperation.
- Growth – We affirm the value of continuing education and seek to continually improve ourselves.
- Integrity – We seek to be an impartial source of expertise that reinforces trust and serves the public good.
- Innovation – We aspire to be a leader in developing creative applied solutions that meet tomorrow’s transportation needs.
- Diversity- We strive to employ a multicultural workforce and to incorporate the perspectives of individuals from all walks of life.
- Adaptability – We aim to be flexible to address the changing landscape of transportation with proactive responses.
How USTRI’s Mission Works
At USTRI, we efficiently connect people, ideas, and results.
USTRI provides the highest-quality support for road transportation researchers, planners, managers, educators, and elected officials.
USTRI’s in-depth research, performed to the highest academic standards, advances the body of knowledge in transportation innovation, offers immediate and practical value for transportation officials and practitioners, and provides road transportation solutions that keep communities moving.
Planning for the future of transportation is enhanced by fostering the next generation of transportation professionals and skilled workers. STEM-focused workforce development programs encourage young people to pursue educational paths that prepare them for transportation careers through direct involvement with real challenges and solutions.
USTRI addresses technology transfer by utilizing a diverse array of dissemination methods and media to ensure research results reach those responsible for managing change.
Uchukuzi Safety Training and Research Institute (USTRI) Programs
Professional Driver Certification Training
The aim of this certification training is to increase the levels of competency amongst drivers of large commercial vehicles (freight and passenger) across the country in order to:
- Improve Road Safety in Kenya by reducing the number of road crashes involving large commercial vehicles; thereby reducing the number of fatalities and injuries on our roads
- Improve the skills of professional drivers
- Optimize vehicle operation costs
- Improve transport operations
Certificate in Transport and Logistics Management
The course is designed to support professionals moving into, or who are already within supervisory or team leader roles but require training and development.
Most options to take this qualification are part time due to the nature of the course and generally students will be employed. As a guide, students should allow 12-18 months to complete the programme although students can complete the qualification within a year depending on how the course is taught.
The course is made up of 3 units, two mandatory and then one option which the student chooses
The guided learning hours are set as 240 hours which includes classroom and self- study hours. This is allocated as 80 hours per unit for a minimum of 3 units.
The units that make up the Certificate level course are as follows:
- Mandatory
Business Theory - Business Application
- Optional
Warehousing - Inventory
- Passenger Transport Operations
- Procurement
- Freight Transport Operations
- Supply Chain Operations
- Transport Planning
- Green Logistics
- Global Logistics
- Port Operations
Assessment is by examination for the international syllabus and a single unit can be taken as stand-alone course.
Diploma in Transport and Logistics Management
The course is designed to support professionals involved in planning logistics operations and who are already in supervisory or operational management roles. It’s also ideal for graduates with non-business degrees moving into the logistics field. It operates at Dip HE/HND level (Level 5 equivalent to 2 years of a degree).
As a guide, students should allow around 12-18 months to complete the programme although students can complete the qualification within a year depending on how the course is taught.
The guided learning hours are set at 360 hours which includes classroom and self-study hours. This is allocated as 90 hours for each of the 4 units.
This qualification is studied part time due to the nature of the course.
The units that make up the Certificate level course are as follows:
PD01 Management in Logistics and Transport
- Elective
Supply Chain Management - Transport Operations
- Transport Planning
- Option
Inventory - Movement of Goods
- Movement of People
- Production
- Retail Logistics
- Sourcing and Procurement
- Transport Planning Techniques
- Transport and Society
- Warehousing
- International Business
- Project Management
- Supply Chain Flow Planning
- Supply Chain Network Planning
Certificate Transportation Planning
The field of transportation planning has become much broader in the past several decades, expanding from its focus on relieving traffic congestion to questions related to social equity, accessibility, climate impacts, and the benefits of physically active travel. This change has underscored the need to attract people from diverse disciplinary and social/ethnic backgrounds to the field. The next generation of transportation professional cannot simply be one in a team of specialists. They need to have a range of knowledge that allows them to see and solve problems without disciplinary boundaries.
The Certificate in Transportation Planning prepares professionals who can address this challenge.
- Students study and work with different disciplines and learn to develop sustainable, equitable and safe transportation systems.
- Certificate is advantageous for employment, professional development or advancement.
- The Transportation Planning Certificate is credentialed and will appear on the student’s transcript.
Completion of the certificate provides students a robust background in transportation, methods and techniques for transportation analysis, and real-world project experience to improve their expertise and employability in a variety of professional transportation roles.
Fields of employment for students with the Transportation Certificate include:
- transportation planning
- transit or freight management
- bike/pedestrian policy advocacy
- public health through active mobility
- sustainability
- climate mitigation
Who should apply?
- Those with a bachelor’s degree in urban studies, planning, engineering and other fields who want to increase their employment options in transportation planning.
- Planners interested in further professional development.
- Graduate students with an interest in the field.
Required courses
- Transportation, Urban Form & Sustainability
- Transportation Planning Studio
At least one of the following three electives are required:
- Transportation Research Methods & Analysis
- Transportation Policy and Planning
- Special Topics in Transportation Planning
- Global Road Safety
- Public Finance and Budgeting
Diploma in Transportation Planning and Management
This qualification seeks to develop professionals with well-rounded managerial, professional and industry specific intellectual competencies, knowledge and skills to identify, analyze, evaluate, and solve complex problems within the Transport Management field.
Course Content
Year 1 – 1st Semester
- Transport and Society
- To Logistics and Supply Chain Management
- Business Environment
- Contract Law
Year 1 – 2nd Semester
- To Intelligent Transportation Systems
- Leisure & Tourism Management.
- Accounting and Finance
- Transport Economics
Year 2 – 1st Semester
- Transport Policy & Planning
- Operational Research
- Law of Business and Carriage
- Marketing
Year 2 – 2nd Semester
- Passenger Transport Mngmnt.
- Human Resource Mngmnt. & The Workplace
- Individual Student Project
Certified Transportation Safety Professional
The Certified Transportation Safety Professional (CTSP) is a specialist-level designation that establishes the benchmark for the experience and knowledge required to be a certified safety professional. This individual will receive the skills needed to develop and manage a carrier’s safety and compliance programs, and will often supervise the day-to-day functions of others in the organization.
All the courses identified will develop the candidate’s ability to demonstrate the required competencies, through the completion of 8 mandatory, 3 electives, and 8 hours of seminar/conference attendance, resulting in eligibility to challenge the CTSP Exam.
Mandatory Courses
- Legislation, Standards and Policies
- National Safety Code (NSC) Program Administration
- NSC Program Management
- Health and Safety System Building
- Fundamentals of Auditing
- Instructional Design and Delivery
- Leadership in Transportation
- Fundamentals of Investigation
Elective Courses
- Collision Investigation
- COR Auditor
- Professional Driver Improvement Course Instructor
- Long Combination Vehicle (LCV) Instructor Training
- Workplace Investigation
Contact us!
+254 719 282 866 | +254 741 024 622
Physical Location
4th Floor, Flamingo Towers , Upperhill Nairobi, Kenya
Monday – Friday: 8.00am – 5.00pm